English Day

English Day


It was the school English Fun Day and No Homework Day on the last day of October. Teachers designed an array of fun English activities for the entire school. P.5 and 6 English Ambassadors held various fun English games at the game booths for their fellow classmates. P.1 students had great fun playing singing games and danced with their teachers. Our NETs, Mr Gilbert and Mr Dean turned the Creative Media Production Centre into a candy cave and hunted for candies with P.2 students. P.3 and 4 students had a treasure hunt around the school and looked for candies. P 5 and 6 students did English and STEM activities using candies! It was such a great day for every one!


學校於10月31日舉行了English Fun Day暨無功課日,透過多元活動及遊戲提升學生對學習英語的興趣和英語能力。當日高年級同學化身英語大使,以英語主持攤位遊戲。小一全級同學在活動室進行了英語音樂律動活動,反應非常熱烈!外藉老師將多媒體創意基地變成糖果山洞,與小二同學尋找糖果。小三和小四同學遊走學校進行糖果遊蹤。小五、六同學進行了英語STEM活動,寓學習於娛樂!